Our goal as a company is to unite providers including estheticians, nurses, NPs, and MDs in order to enhance the industry and consumer outcomes.

We feel knowledge is power and through an open forum, we not only become better technicians, we also elevate the industry as a whole.

I created AESTX PRO to help everyone in the aesthetic industry reach their full potential. My goal is to elevate the industry to new heights and support the professionals who work hard day in and day out by providing unparalleled resources.

Our community is a secure environment that provides a platform for jobs, education, and community – all under one roof!

We love hearing from our members, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything, have any ideas, or just want to chat.

-Jessica Fitzmaurice, LE, CLT, Founder, CEO

XTribe Members

Our goal is to drive the aesthetic industry forward through education, collaboration, and innovation. Our aim is to create an inclusive community that thrives off of our members’ successes.

We believe there is room for everyone in this industry and by working together, everyone wins.